*Real colour flame*

Flame Projectors

As seen live on The BRIT Awards 2008!

Dancing flames 6 to 8 feet high
Available in combinations of five colours
(red, orange, blue, green and yellow)



Custom made stainless steel Flambeaux fuelled by gas, paraffin, or our reknowned Magic Corona colourfire oils. Superb stylish addition for your event or venue.

Free standing style stainless steel sculpted flambeaux with Green colourfire duration ~5hrs. (for regular flame using paraffin duration ~8hrs.) Self weighted base, 7ft high for safety and visibility, ideal for entrances to any venue, from a club to a marquee. Contact us for pricing details.




We will design flambeaux to suit your venue.

Classic, contemporary, stylish, unique.

Gas bracket mounted Flambeaux above the entrance to Eden nightclub in Churchgate, Leicester.

Supplied with electric controlled ignition and safety shut-off, fuelled from propane bottle supply.



Torch Oils

Available in the same five colours for out door torches
These oils are also used to create full coloured fire drawings and logos



Lamp Oils

Beautiful indoor table lamps available with red, green, yellow, orange and purple flames


For further details please contact us

+44 (0)20 8445 9001